Chinese Idioms in Daily Life

Traditional Wisdom in Modern Living

Chinese idioms about life contain thousands of years of wisdom, not only guiding us in dealing with various situations and challenges in modern life but also helping us build a positive attitude towards life.

Living Environment

鸡犬相闻 (jī quǎn xiāng wén)

Describes a peaceful and close-knit neighborhood where one can hear the sounds of roosters and dogs from nearby homes.

Used to describe a harmonious living environment and close community relationships.

夜不闭户 (yè bù bì hù)

No need to lock doors at night, describing a peaceful and safe society.

Used to describe a safe and peaceful living environment with good social order.

蜗居陋室 (wō jū lòu shì)

Living in a small and humble dwelling, like a snail in its shell.

Used to describe modest living conditions, often without negative connotations.

蓬荜生辉 (péng bì shēng huī)

A humble home is brightened by the presence of an honored guest.

Used when expressing gratitude for an honored guest visiting one's humble home.

烟火人家 (yān huǒ rén jiā)

Describes ordinary households with cooking smoke rising, symbolizing everyday life.

Used to depict the living environment and daily scenes of ordinary people's lives.

安居乐业 (ān jū lè yè)

Living in peace and working with joy, describing a stable and happy life.

Used to describe people living and working in peace and contentment.

Life Attitudes

安身立命 (ān shēn lì mìng)

To settle down and establish one's life purpose and direction.

Used to describe finding one's place in life and setting life goals.

安贫乐道 (ān pín lè dào)

Content with poverty while finding joy in pursuing truth and wisdom.

Used to describe someone who is content with a simple life while pursuing spiritual fulfillment.

勤耕俭食 (qín gēng jiǎn shí)

Working diligently and eating frugally, describing a thrifty lifestyle.

Used to describe a hardworking and frugal way of life.

粗衣淡食 (cū yī dàn shí)

Wearing simple clothes and eating plain food, describing a simple lifestyle.

Used to describe living a simple life without pursuing luxury.

粗茶淡饭 (cū chá dàn fàn)

Simple tea and plain meals, describing a modest lifestyle.

Used to describe a simple and modest daily life.

知足常乐 (zhī zú cháng lè)

Contentment brings happiness, emphasizing an attitude of satisfaction with life.

Used to describe finding lasting happiness through contentment.

Daily Routines

晨钟暮鼓 (chén zhōng mù gǔ)

Morning bells and evening drums, originally referring to temple routines, now describes regular daily life.

Used to describe a regular and disciplined daily routine.

鸡鸣而起 (jī míng ér qǐ)

Rising at the crow of the rooster, describing early rising and diligence.

Used to describe someone who rises early and maintains a regular schedule.

日出而作 (rì chū ér zuò)

Starting work at sunrise, describing a hardworking lifestyle.

Used to describe diligent and simple living habits.

夜以继日 (yè yǐ jì rì)

Working day and night continuously, describing intense dedication.

Used to describe working tirelessly without regard for regular routines.

枕戈待旦 (zhěn gē dài dàn)

Resting on weapons while waiting for dawn, describing vigilance or readiness.

Used to describe maintaining constant vigilance and preparedness.

早出晚归 (zǎo chū wǎn guī)

Leaving early and returning late, describing a busy lifestyle.

Used to describe a busy and hardworking daily routine.

Living Conditions

家徒四壁 (jiā tú sì bì)

Having nothing but four walls, describing extreme poverty.

Used to describe poor living conditions and hardship.

饥寒交迫 (jī hán jiāo pò)

Suffering from both hunger and cold, describing extreme hardship.

Used to describe extremely difficult living conditions and poverty.

囊中羞涩 (náng zhōng xiū sè)

Having little money in one's purse, describing financial difficulties.

Used to describe being short of money or in financial straits.

寝食不安 (qǐn shí bù ān)

Unable to eat or sleep well, describing an unsettled life.

Used to describe an unstable living situation and mental distress.

灯红酒绿 (dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ)

Red lights and green wine, describing a luxurious and extravagant lifestyle.

Used to describe luxurious living conditions, often with negative connotations.

金玉满堂 (jīn yù mǎn táng)

A hall full of gold and jade, describing great wealth and prosperity.

Used to describe wealthy and prosperous living conditions.

Life Atmosphere

红袖添香 (hóng xiù tiān xiāng)

A lady in red sleeves adding incense, describing an elegant and peaceful atmosphere.

Used to describe an elegant and refined living atmosphere.

灯火通明 (dēng huǒ tōng míng)

Lights burning brightly everywhere, describing a bustling and lively scene.

Used to describe a bright and prosperous living environment.

夕阳西下 (xī yáng xī xià)

The setting sun in the west, symbolizing tranquility and serenity in life.

Used to describe a peaceful and serene living atmosphere, especially at dusk.

鸦雀无声 (yā què wú shēng)

Not even a sound from crows or sparrows, describing complete silence.

Used to describe an extremely quiet living environment.

炊烟袅袅 (chuī yān niǎo niǎo)

Cooking smoke rising in spirals, depicting a peaceful domestic scene.

Used to describe a peaceful and harmonious living atmosphere.

万家灯火 (wàn jiā dēng huǒ)

Lights from thousands of homes, depicting a vibrant community atmosphere.

Used to describe a lively and prosperous living environment at night.